Neben seinem Job als Fotograf organisiert Ruslan Asanov Fotoreisen – die Pandemie hat ihn beruflich schwer getroffen. Darüber und über das, was die Pandemie für die Fotobranche in Bulgarien und allgemein bedeutet, hat er mit den #FacesOfPhotography gesprochen:
Ruslan, how are you
I’m great, while still breathing.
What is the current situation in Bulgaria?
We have the lightest lockdown version here in Bulgaria among all European countries, so it is quite OK, considering, that it is still pandemic. It’s possible to travel all-around the country without any restrictions and our daily personal duties are almost the same as before-the-COVID era. Some business branches are heavily affected, because Bulgarian economy has quite a big dependence on tourism and hospitality sphere.
How do you live through the pandemic photographically and job-wise?
I run tourist company, aiming photography trips to Europe and Asia, and the biggest problem for me is the lack of travel abroad with impossibility to invite other photographers from abroad to Bulgaria. Whole 2020 was lost as a business opportunity and all trips since March, 2020 so far are cancelled. Fortunately, I have some other business projects out of the tourism sphere, that help me to withstand this situation, but many companies are just bankrupting, because it is hard to get through the lockdown within our weak Bulgarian economy.
Are you working on free topics?
Being carried away by the landscape photography, I was always spending most of my photography time on free topics, enjoying the nature and looking for the new interesting places or catching different light at the locations, that I’ve been shooting many times. Passioned in the landscape photography are practically always on free topics.
Will the pandemic experience change photography and the photographic business?
Any experience, that happens in our history, always more or less changes things in our life. This recent pandemic will definitely change the photography. We can already see the new wave of online photography instruments and acceptance of this idea by the commercial photographers, who started making income this way.
What is your photographic wish for in the future?
We are »social animals« and It would be great for me to travel again, without any restrictions, gaining new social experience meeting new people in new photography locations all over the world.
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